Notice Detail
Notice Title :- Basic & Advance Mountaineering Course Notification
Notice Publish Date :- 20-April-2024 07:19:58
Notice Detail :-
It is informed to all the participants of June Basic Mountaineering Course that the June BMC will be rescheduled now from 03/06/2024 to 28/06/2024 due to Lok Sabha Election -2024. In this connection all the interested participants to informed that they can report at ABVIMAS, Manali on 02/06/2024 afternoon to join the above course. It is also, intimate, that Advance Mountaineering course will rescheduled from 02-06-2024 to 29-06-2024.
It is also informed that the website of ABVIMAS, Manali will be opened for booking on 25/04/2024 at 12.00 Noon.